Sunday, May 03, 2009

Mantra Patronus buat gw....

first of all,
kalo yang sering atau ngikutin sequelnya Harry Potter pasti pernah denger mantra patronus..
gw dapetin definisinya disini..

"A Patronus is a kind of positive force, and for the wizard who can conjure one, it works something like a shield, with the Dementor feeding on it, rather than him. In order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory… Allow it to fill you up…lose yourself in it…then speak the incantation ‘Expecto Patronum’."

Hary potter ngegunain mantra patronus buat ngelawan dementor yg ngisep kebahagiaannya...

gw juga baca ada satu postingan raditya dika yg ngebahas ttg mantra patronus buat dirinya sendiri.. terinspirasi dari situ gw juga mau buat mantra patronus yg bermanfaat buat gw... at least it increasing my positive thought for heading up in this hard rock life..

Ini mantra patronus gw...:

1. ngebayangin gw lagi di pantai , sunbathing, sweet juices, sunglasses, boy friend, n the fresh breeze of beach scent..uhmmmm... tempting!!
2. jalan2 ke mall sama keluarga lengkap termasuk alm bokap n alm abang gw.. n jalan ngelilingin mall sambil di gandeng bokap.. how i missed those time with u dad..
3. ngebayangin married, have a happy family, cute children, and lovely husband.. ( standar mimpi cewe bgt ya)
4. inget masa kecil gw...
5. makan indomie rebus or goreng pake telor yg kuningnya di masak sedemikian rupa sehingga ga pecah... hahahaha...
6. dengerin musik2 jazz, chill out, ditemenin kopi n also udse, sambil coba buat cari inspirasi buat nulis buku...
7. kamar yg dingin, cemilan, dvd, n tv series!!!
8. ngopi di tempat yg ok, chit chat ama temen or pasangan bout how our life can turned out to be so great or fucked up...
9. nginep di Jl. tebet barat ** C no. 4 ... just d the two of us, having a deep conversation....wondering, thankfull krn sampe skrg bisa sahabatan selama itu...
10. nulis.. nulis.. nulis.. walopun yg di tulis juga ga pernah jadi buku...
11. dugem time, full music, beat, and crowd...
12. sundaze my fav event every year...meeting ppl, chit chating, networking, dancing through the music...
13. nonton 50 - 50 band yg bawain lagu2 jadul tanpa cela... n im amazed...
14. bangun tidur dipeluk, di cium nyokap...
15. jd wanita sukses, bersahaja, berwibawa..
16. shopping tanpa batas n tanpa limit kartu kredit...
17. luluran lengkap di salon yg mantap...
18. last but not quality time with bf...

hehehehe... banyak banget yaaa....
untuk sekarang siy itu dulu....berarti masih banyak hal2 dalam hidup dan dalam imajinasi gw yg bisa gw jadiin mantra patronus.. heheh...

tapi sambil gw nulis bbrp hal diatas... ngebayangin lg ada dalam posisi2 tersebut, ngebuat gw jadi mikir... gw harus positive thinking atas semua hal yg udah gw alamin atau yg mungkin akan gw alamin...
dengan gw mikir positif, gw yakin gw bisa put aside all the sadness things in life,, n put a big HAPPY words in my life...
kalo bukan gw yg positif, syapa lagi?! ya gak.....

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up… Just remember, your Patronus can only protect you as long as you stay focused… Think of the happiest thing you can."

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