Wednesday, August 12, 2009

quick updates

Pagi - pagi sampe kantor seperti biasa gw langsung buka blog.*fb mulai membosankan*. Pas gw buka *deng deng* Shoutbox gw berganti lay outnya.. ternyata oh ternyata selidik punya selidik.. si empunya web itu ga memperpanjang hostingnya... ya jadilah tampilan shoutbox gw pun iklan dari web hostingnya si oggix itu.. mo ga mau kaaannn.. gw ganti lah shoutbox gw pake shoutmix.
Trus bbrp kali temen2 blog gw bilang ga bisa komen di sini.. akhirnya tadi sekalian ngutak2 ngatik aja dulu..

here's the detail :
1. im bored with my lay out, i guess it had something to do with the error comment. so i changed my lay out to the normal one * the one they provide in blogspot* . i like it some how, its kinda clean and minimalist.
2. after changed my lay out which is very clean n white, i feel something not right, so i put back my lindsay lohan header. turned out, my pic is not quite wide for the header box, so there's still a lil blank space in the header. But i guess it was okay.
3. i changed the shoutbox, coz the old one is not working anymore.
4. i put a lil touch in color and font. and me so likey...

after all the re-designing process.. i think i want to stick with the lay out for a while *me dont promise if someday...someday i found another exciting lay out for my blog*

quick updates is DONE, and im off for blogging a while... CIAO


3 komentar:

none said...

legaaa...akhirnya bisa komen disini. ^^
yup..yup..minimalis memang template paling praktis. dan header itu, pas banget

aku mo penuhin shoutboxnya aaah..

inge kalista said...

hahaha... iya niy.. kayanya lebih enak jadinya...
asik2 shoutboxnya penuh ama henny.. hehehehhe...kapan ke jakarta?

none said...

nah lo..kalo ditanya kapan ke jakarta,, tau kapan ya.soalnya udah jarang banget kesana semenjak udah kerja. maybe next time. kalo bisa ntar henny kasih tau.

atau inge mau ke palembang?

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